A Nemilentsau, T Low, G Hanson
Anisotropic 2D materials for tunable hyperbolic plasmonics
[arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.04383], In press PRL
A Kumar, A Nemilentsau, KH Fung, G Hanson, NX Fang, T Low
Chiral plasmon in gapped Dirac systems
[arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.00790], In press PRB Rapid
G. Zhang, A. Chaves, S. Huang, C. Song, T. Low, H. Yan
Infrared fingerprints of few-layer black phosphorus
[arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.08049]
N. Youngblood, R. Peng, A. Nemilentsau, T. Low, M. Li
Layer tunable third harmonic generation in multilayer black phosphorus
[arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.05619]
C Lin, R Grassi, T Low, AS Helmy
Multilayer black phosphorus as a versatile mid-infrared electro-optic material
[arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.03348]
S Gangaraj, T Low, A Nemilentsau, GW Hanson
Black phosphorus and two-dimensional hyperbolic materials: tunable surface plasmons, green function and complex-plane analysis
[arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.01544]
T. Gu, A Andryieuski, Y Hao, Y Li, J Hone, CW Wong, A Lavrinenko, T Low, TF Heinz
Photonic and plasmonic guiding modes in graphene-silicon photonic crystals
[arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.04911], In press ACS Photonics
Nano-Photonics, Plasmonics, Optics
D Rodrigo, T Low, DB Farmer, H Altug, P Avouris
Plasmon coupling in extended structures: Graphene superlattice nanoribbon arrays
Physical Review B 93, 125407 (2016) [pdf]
A. Kumar, T. Low, K. Fung, P. Avouris, N. Fang
Tunable light-matter interaction and the role of hyperbolicity in graphene-hBN system
Nano Letters 15, 3172 (2015) [pdf]
DB Farmer, D Rodrigo, T Low, P Avouris
Plasmon-plasmon hybridization and bandwidth enhancement in nanostructured graphene
Nano Letters 15, 2582 (2015) [pdf]
A Fallahi, T Low, M Tamagnone, J Perruisseau-Carrier
Nonlocal electromagnetic response of graphene nanostructures
Physical Review B Rapid 91, 121405 (2015) [pdf]
E Carrasco, M Tamagnone, JR Mosig, T Low, J Perruisseau-Carrier
Gate-controlled mid-infrared light bending with aperiodic graphene nanoribbons array
Nanotechnology 26, 134002 (2015) [pdf] [Special issue]
Y. Li, J. Ludwig, T. Low, A. Chernikov, X. Cui, G. Arefe, Y. D. Kim, A. M. Zande, A. Rigosi, H. Hill, S. H. Kim, J. Hone, Z. Li, D. Smirnov, T. F. Heinz
Valley splitting and polarization by the Zeeman effect in monolayer MoSe2
Physical Review Letters 113, 266804 (2014) [pdf]
H. Yan, T. Low, F. Guinea, F. Xia and P. Avouris
Tunable phonon-induced transparency in bilayer graphene nanoribbons
Nano Letters 14, 4581 (2014) [pdf] [supp]
T. Low, R. Roldan, W. Han, F. Xia, P. Avouris, L. M. Moreno and F. Guinea
Plasmons and screening in monolayer and multilayer black phosphorus
Physical Review Letters 113, 106802 (2014) [pdf] [supp]
T. Low, A. S. Rodin, A. Carvalho, Y. Jiang, H. Wang, F. Xia and A. H. Castro Neto
Tunable optical properties of multilayer black phosphorus thin films
Physical Review B 90, 075434 (2014) [pdf] [supp]
A. Y. Nikitin, T. Low and L. Martin-Moreno
Anomalous reflection phase of graphene plasmons and its influence on resonators
Physical Review B Rapid 90, 041407R (2014) [pdf] [supp]
T. Low, F. Guinea, H. Yan, F. Xia and P. Avouris
Novel midinfrared plasmonic properties of bilayer graphene
Physical Review Letters 112, 116801 (2014) [pdf] [supp]
T. Low and P. Avouris
Graphene plasmonics for terahertz to mid-infrared applications
ACS Nano 8, 1086 (2014) [pdf]
H. Yan, T. Low, W. Zhu, Y. Wu, M. Freitag, X. Li, F. Guinea, P. Avouris, F. Xia
Damping pathways of mid-infrared plasmons in graphene nanostructures
Nature Photonics 7, 394 (2013) [pdf] [supp] [views]
A Chaves, T Low, P Avouris, D Çakır, FM Peeters
Anisotropic exciton Stark shift in black phosphorus
Physical Review B 91, 155311 (2015) [pdf]
M. Freitag, T. Low, L. M. Moreno, W. Zhu, F. Guinea and P. Avouris
Substrate sensitive mid-infrared photoresponse in graphene
ACS Nano 8, 8350 (2014) [pdf] [supp]
T. Low, M. Engel, M. Steiner and P. Avouris
Origin of photoresponse in black phosphorus phototransistors
Physical Review B Rapid 90, 081408R (2014) [pdf]
M. Freitag, T. Low, W. Zhu, H. Yan, F. Xia and P. Avouris
Photocurrent in graphene harnessed by intrinsic, tunable plasmons
Nature Communications 4, 1951 (2013) [pdf] [supp]
M. Freitag, T. Low and P. Avouris
Increased responsivity of suspended graphene photodetectors
Nano Letters 13, 1644 (2013) [pdf]
M. Freitag, T. Low, F. Xia and P. Avouris
Photoconductivity of biased graphene
Nature Photonics 7, 53 (2013) [pdf] [supp]
T. Low, V. Perebeinos, R. Kim, M. Freitag and P. Avouris
Cooling of photoexcited carriers in graphene by internal and substrate phonons
Physical Review B 86, 045413 (2012) [pdf]
Nano-Electronics, Spintronics
VO Ozcelik, J Azadani, C. Yang, S. Koester, T. Low
Band alignment of two-dimensional semiconductors for designing heterostructures with momentum space matching
Physical Review B 94, 035125 (2016) [pdf]
Y Liu, T Low, P Ruden
Mobility anisotropy in monolayer black phosphorus due to charged impurities
Physical Review B 93, 165402 (2016) [pdf]
T Low, Y Jiang, F Guinea
Topological currents in black phosphorus with broken inversion symmetry
Physical Review B 92, 235447 (2015) [pdf]
X Cui, GH Lee, YD Kim, G Arefe, PY Huang, CH Lee, DA Chenet, X Zhang, L Wang, F Ye, F Pizzocchero, BS Jessen, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, DA Muller, T Low, P Kim, J Hone
Multi-terminal transport measurement of MoS2 using a van der Waals heterostructure device platform
Nature Nanotechnology 10, 534 (2015) [pdf]
RJ Wu, M Topsakal, T Low, MC Robbins, N Haratipour, JS Jeong, RM Wentzcovitch, SJ Koester, KA Mkhoyan
Atomic and electronic structure of exfoliated black phosphorus
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 33, 060604 (2015) [pdf] [cover]
Y Jiang, R Roldán, F Guinea, T Low
Magneto-electronic properties of multilayer black phosphorus
Physical Review B 92, 085408 (2015) [pdf]
W. Zhu, T. Low, Y. H. Lee, H. Wang, D. B. Farmer, J. Kong, F.Xia, P. Avouris
Electronic transport and device prospects of monolayer molybdenum disulphide grown by chemical vapour deposition
Nature Communications 5, 3087 (2014) [pdf] [supp]
Y. Jiang, T. Low, K. Chang, M. Katsnelson and F. Guinea
Generation of pure bulk valley current in graphene
Physical Review Letters 110, 046601 (2013) [pdf]
R. Grassi, T. Low, A. Gnudi and G. Baccarani
Contact-induced negative differential resistance in short-channel graphene FETs
IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices 60, 140 (2013) [pdf]
W. Zhu, T. Low, V. Perebeinos, A. Bol, Y. Zhu, H. Yan, J. Tersoff, P. Avouris
Structure and electronic transport in graphene wrinkles
Nano Letters 12, 3431 (2012) [pdf] [supp]
T. Low, V. Perebeinos, J. Tersoff and P. Avouris
Deformation and scattering in graphene over substrate steps
Physical Review Letters 108, 096601 (2012) [pdf] [supp]
Y. Wu, V. Perebeinos, Y. M. Lin, T. Low, F. Xia, P. Avouris
Quantum behavior of graphene transistors near the scaling limit
Nano Letters 12, 1417(2012) [pdf] [supp]
T. Low, Y. Jiang, M. Katsnelson and F. Guinea
Electron pumping in graphene mechanical resonators
Nano Letters 12, 850 (2012) [pdf] [supp]
C. T. Chen, T. Low, H. Y. Chiu and W. Zhu
Graphene side gate engineering
IEEE Electron Device Letters 33, 330 (2012) [pdf]
T. Low, F. Guinea and M. I. Katsnelson
Gaps tunable by electrostatic gates in strained graphene
Physical Review B 83, 195436 (2011) [pdf]
H. G. Zhang, J. T. Sun, T. Low, L. Z. Zhang, Y. Pan, Q. Liu, J. H. Mao, H. T. Zhao, H. M. Guo, S. X. Du, F. Guinea and H. J. Gao
Assembly of iron phthalocyanine and pentacene molecules on a graphene monolayer grown on Ru(0001)
Physical Review B 84, 245436 (2011) [pdf]
Y. Jiang, F. Lu, F. Zhai, T. Low and J. Hu
Connectivity of edge and surface states in topological insulator
Physical Review B 84, 205324 (2011) [pdf]
R. Grassi, T. Low and M. Lundstrom
Scaling of the energy gap in pattern-hydrogenated graphene
Nano Letters 11, 4574 (2011) [pdf] [supp]
D. Berdebes, T. Low, Y. Sui, J. Appenzeller and M. Lundstrom
Substrate gating of contact resistance in graphene transistor
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 58, 3925 (2011) [pdf]
J. R. Williams, T. Low, M. Lundstrom and C. Marcus
Gate controlled guiding of electrons in graphene
Nature Nanotechnology 6, 222 (2011) [pdf] [supp] [views]
Y. Sui, T. Low, M. Lundstrom and J. Appenzeller
Signatures of disorder in the minimum conductivity of graphene
Nano Letters 11, 1319 (2011) [pdf]
F. Guinea and T. Low
Bandstructure and gaps in triangular graphene superlattices
Philosophical Trans. of the Royal Society A 368, 5391 (2010) [pdf]
T. Low and F. Guinea
Strain induced pseudo-magnetic field effects for novel graphene electronics
Nano Letters 10, 3551 (2010) [pdf]
Y. Gao, T. Low, M. Lundstrom and D. Nikonov
Simulation of the spin field effect transistors: effects of tunneling and spin relaxation
Journal of Applied Physics 108, 083702 (2010) [pdf]
T. Low
Ballistic-Ohmic quantum Hall plateau transition in graphene pn junction
Physical Review B 80, 205423 (2009) [pdf]
T. Low and J. Appenzeller
Electronic transport properties of a tilted graphene pn junction
Physical Review B 80, 155406 (2009) [pdf]
T. Low, S. Hong, J. Appenzeller, S. Datta and M. Lundstrom
Conductance asymmetry of graphene pn junction
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 56, 1292 (2009) [pdf]
K. Bevan, T. Low and H. Guo
Real space first-principles derived semi-empirical pseudopotentials applied to tunneling magnetoresistance
Journal of Applied Physics 105, 093709 (2009) [pdf]
T. Low, M. Lundstrom and D. Nikonov
Modeling of spin metal-oxide-semiconductor-field-effect-transistor: a non-equilibrium Green function approach with spin relaxation
Journal of Applied Physics 104, 094511 (2008) [pdf]
T. Low and D. Ansari
Signatures of quantum transport through two-dimensional structures with correlated and anti-correlated interfaces
Physical Review B 78, 165301 (2008) [pdf]