EE5235/AEM8425: Robust Control
5-161, EECS Bldg. (Keller Hall), 200 Union St. SE
Email: murtis@umn.edu
Ph: 1-612-625-7811
URL: http://www.ece.umn.edu/users/murtis/
Announcements: Exam 1 will be on Tuesday March 22nd; closed book and
closed notes exam.
Keller 3-125
Office Hours
Tu: 9:30-11 and by appointment
- Classical control review
- Single input Single output Systems
- Typical specifications and weight selections
- Fundamental limitations
- Stability
- Coprime factorization and Youla Parametrization
- LFT framework
- Multiplicative, Additive uncertainty description
- Controller design for nominal performance
- Controller design for robust performance
- Multiple-input Multiple output Systems
- Typical specifications and weight selections
- Fundamental limitations
- Stability
- Coprime factorization and Youla Parametrization
- LFT framework
- Multiplicative, Additive uncertainty description
- Controller design for nominal performance
- Controller design for robust performance
- Pontryagins Maximum principle
Recommended Texts
- Feedback Control Theory, Doyle, Francis,
Tannenbaum, Macmillan Press (can be downloaded from Prof. Francis
- Essentials of Robust
Control, Kemin Zou and John Doyle, Prentice Hall,
- Robust and Optimal
Control, Kemin Zou, John Doyle, and Keith Glover,
Prentice Hall, 1995.
- Multivariable
Feedback Control: Analysis and Design, Sigurd
Skogestad and Ian Postlethwaite, John Wiley & Sons,
- A Course in Robust Control Theory: A Convex
Approach (Texts in Applied Mathematics)
Tentative Grading Policy
The course will rely heavily on an extensive set of homeworks.
50% Homeworks, 25% Midterms, 25% Finals.
Course Notes:
Homeworks :
Hw 1 (Due January 27th)
Hw 2 (Due Feb 10th)
Hw 3(Due March 1st)
Hw 4 (first 10 problems, Due
March 10th)
Hw 5 (due April 5th)
Hw 6 (due April 12th)
Hw 7 (and solutions)
Hw 8 (due April 19th)
Hw 9 (due April 26th)