Network with 100 unstable nodes

randomly distributed subsystems 

N = 100 nodes are randomly and uniformly distributed in a square region of 10 times 10 units. Each node is an unstable second order linear system coupled with other nodes through the following dynamics (Motee and Jadbabaie ’08)

     begin{array}{rcccccc}     left[     begin{array}{c}     dot{p}_i           dot{v}_i     end{array}     right]     & ! = ! &     underbrace{left[     begin{array}{cc}      {1} & {1}  {1} & {2}     end{array}     right]     left[     begin{array}{c}      {p_i}  {v_i}     end{array}     right]}_{     begin{array}{c}      mbox{bf unstable}     [0.1cm]     mbox{bf dynamics}     end{array}     }     & ! + ! &     underbrace{sum_{j , neq , i}     ;     mathrm{e}^{-{alpha (i,j)}}     left[     begin{array}{c}      {p_j}  {v_j}     end{array}     right]}_{mbox{bf coupling}}     & ! + ! &     left[     begin{array}{c}     {0}  {1}     end{array}     right]     left(     d_i     ; + ;     u_i     right).     end{array}

The coupling between two nodes i and j is determined by the Euclidean distance alpha(i,j) between them. The performance weights Q and R are set to identity matrices.

We next present the Matlab code and the computational results obtained using lqrsp.m. In this example, we use the weighted ell_1 norm to promote sparsity. We set { rho = 100, varepsilon = 10^{-3} } and select 48 logarithmically-spaced points for gamma in [0.01, , 68.66].

Matlab code

% An example from Motee and Jadbabaie,
% "Optimal control of spatially distributed systems",
% IEEE Trans. Automat. Control,
% vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 1616–1629, 2008.

% N nodes randomly distributed in a box [0 L] x [0 L]
N = 100;
L = 10;

load data/positions
% or generate the random distribution of the nodes
% pos = L*rand(N,2);

% the state-space representation of subsystem i
Aii = [1 1; 1 2];
Bii = [0; 1];
n   = size(Bii,1);
Aij = eye(n);

B1  = kron(eye(N), Bii);
B2  = B1;

% construct
% (a) the Euclidean distance matrix that describes the distance
% between two systems i and j
% (b) the A-matrix of the distributed system

A = zeros(2*N,2*N);
dismat = zeros(N,N);
for i = 1:N
    for j = i:N
        if i == j
            A( (i-1)*n + 1 : i*n, (j-1)*n + 1 : j*n ) = Aii;
            dismat(i,j) = sqrt( norm( pos(i,:) - pos(j,:) )^2 );
            dismat(j,i) = dismat(i,j);
            A( (i-1)*n + 1 : i*n, (j-1)*n + 1 : j*n ) = Aij / exp( dismat(i,j) );
            A( (j-1)*n + 1 : j*n, (i-1)*n + 1 : i*n ) = Aij / exp( dismat(j,i) );

% state and control penalty weights
Q = eye(2*N);
R = eye(N);

% compute sparse feedback gains
options = struct('method','wl1','gamval',logspace(-2,log10(68.6649),48), ...
        'rho',100,'maxiter',10,'blksize',[1 1],'reweightedIter',1);

solpath = lqrsp(A,B1,B2,Q,R,options);

Computational results

Download Matlab code spatially_dist.m to reproduce these figures.

Sparsity vs. performance


Number of nonzero elements in the feedback gain decreases with gamma.

In the absence of sparsity constraints, i.e., at gamma = 0, the optimal {cal H}_2 controller

     F (0)     , := ,          F_c      , = ,      R^{-1} B_2^T P

is obtained from the positive definite solution of the algebraic Riccati equation

         A^T P         ~ + ~         P , A         ~ - ~          P , B_2 , R^{-1} B_2^T P         ~ + ~         Q         ~ = ~         0.

Performance loss:

 displaystyle{frac{J(F) ,-, J(F_c)}{J(F_c)}} times 100 %


Sparsity level:

 displaystyle{frac{ {rm bf{card}} , (F) }{ {rm bf{card}} , (F_{c}) }} times 100 %

Performance loss (y-axis) vs. Sparsity level (x-axis);

As the sparsity level increases, the quadratic performance deteriorates.

Sparsity vs. performance
     begin{array}{cccc}     gamma     &     12.6     &     26.8     &     68.7     [0.35cm]     displaystyle{frac{ {rm bf{card}} , (F) }{ {rm bf{card}} , (F_{c}) }}     &     {bf 8.3} %     &     4.9 %     &     2.4 %     [0.5cm]     displaystyle{ frac{J(F) ,-, J(F_c)}{J(F_c)} }     &     {bf 27.8} %     &     43.3 %      &     55.6 %      end{array}

The above results demonstrate that the optimal sparse feedback gain, with 8% of non-zero elements relative to the centralized feedback gain F_c, introduces performance loss of 28% compared to F_c.

Communication graphs of distributed controllers

As gamma increases, the communication architecture of distributed controllers becomes sparser. Note that the communication graph does not have to be connected since the subsystems are

  • dynamically coupled to each other;

  • allowed to measure their own states.


Communication graph of the distributed controller for

     begin{array}{rcl}     gamma      & = &      12.6486     [0.25cm]     displaystyle{frac{ {rm bf{card}} , (F) }{ {rm bf{card}} , (F_{c}) }}     times 100 %     & = &     8.3%     [0.5cm]     displaystyle{frac{J(F) ,-, J(F_c)}{J(F_c)}}     times 100 %     & = &     27.8%.     end{array}

Communication graph of the distributed controller for

     begin{array}{rcl}     gamma      & = &      26.8270     [0.25cm]     displaystyle{frac{ {rm bf{card}} , (F) }{ {rm bf{card}} , (F_{c}) }}     times 100 %     & = &     4.9%     [0.5cm]     displaystyle{frac{J(F) ,-, J(F_c)}{J(F_c)}}     times 100 %     & = &     43.3%.     end{array}

Communication graph of the distributed controller for

     begin{array}{rcl}     gamma      & = &      68.6649     [0.25cm]     displaystyle{frac{ {rm bf{card}} , (F) }{ {rm bf{card}} , (F_{c}) }}     times 100 %     & = &     2.4%     [0.5cm]     displaystyle{frac{J(F) ,-, J(F_c)}{J(F_c)}}     times 100 %     & = &     55.6%.     end{array}

Danger of truncation

communication graph of truncated gain 

Our sparsity-promoting algorithm identifies communication architectures that are difficult to guess a priori. To highlight this point, and to illustrate danger of truncation, let us consider the truncated centralized gain F_t,

     (F_t)_{ij}     , := ,     left{     begin{array}{ll}     0           & {rm if}~ |(F_c)_{ij}| , < ,    a     [0.2cm]     (F_c)_{ij}  & {rm if}~ |(F_c)_{ij}| , geq , a.     end{array}     right.

The figure shows the communication graph of the truncated controller obtained by setting a = 0.3888. Even though the communication graph appears to be very dense (F_t has 7454 nonzero elements — 37% relative to {bf card}(F_c)), the truncated gain does not even provide the closed-loop stability.