Description of run_dmdsp.m

Matlab syntax
>> [Fdmd,Edmd,Ydmd,xdmd,answer] = run_dmdsp;

Matlab function run_dmdsp.m allows users to:

  • run standard DMD algorithm;

  • call dmdsp.m.

When prompted to select the flow type, please choose:

  • 1 – for channel flow;

  • 2 – for screeching jet;

  • 3 – for cylinder bundle.

You will also be prompted to enter a desired number of grid points for the spatially-promoting parameter gamma; the default value is set to 200. These points are logarithmically spaced between minimal and maximal values that are well-suited for the three examples presented in our paper and on this website.

run_dmdsp.m will then upload data necessary for conducting DMD and DMDSP and return:

  1. Fdmd – optimal matrix on the subspace spanned by the POD modes U of Psi_0;

  2. Edmd – eigenvalues of F_{mathrm{dmd}};

  3. Ydmd – eigenvectors of F_{mathrm{dmd}};

  4. xdmd – optimal vector of DMD amplitudes;

  5. answer – gamma-parameterized structure containing the output of dmdsp.m.


% Function that explains how to run dmdsp
% Written by Mihailo R. Jovanovic, September 2013
% Notation:
% Matrices of snapshots
% X0 = [x_0 ... x_{N-1}]
% X1 = [x_1 ... x_N]
% Economy-size SVD of X0
% X0 = U*S*V'
% Inputs: matrices U'*X1, S, and V (for a specified flow type)
% Outputs:
% Fdmd - optimal matrix on the subspace spanned by the POD modes U of X0
% Edmd - eigenvalues of Fdmd
% Ydmd - eigenvectors of Fdmd
% xdmd - optimal vector of DMD amplitudes
% answer - gamma-parameterized structure containing output of dmdsp

function [Fdmd,Edmd,Ydmd,xdmd,answer] = run_dmdsp

% Enter the flow type and the number of grid points for gamma
prompt = {'1 (channel); 2 (screech); 3 (cylinder):',...
          'Number of grid points for gamma:'};
name = 'Inputs for run_dmdsp';
numlines = [1 70];
defAns = {'1','200'};
opts.Resize = 'on';
opts.WindowStyle = 'normal';
opts.Interpreter = 'latex';
user = inputdlg(prompt,name,numlines,defAns,opts);

flow_type = str2double(user{1});
gamma_grd = str2double(user{2});

% Load data for the specified flow type
% Define sparsity-promoting parameter gamma
if flow_type == 1,

    % Load data
    % Matrices U'*X1, S, and V
    % Sampling period dT
    % E-values of the Orr-Sommerfeld operator: Eos
    load channel/channel.mat
    % Sparsity-promoting parameter gamma
    % Lower and upper bounds relevant for this flow type
    gammaval = logspace(log10(0.15),log10(160),gamma_grd);

elseif flow_type == 2,

    % Load data
    load screech/screech.mat % load matrices U'*X1, S, and V
    % Sparsity-promoting parameter gamma
    % Lower and upper bounds relevant for this flow type
    gammaval = logspace(log10(110),log10(33000),gamma_grd);

elseif flow_type == 3,

    % Load data
    load cylinder/cylinder.mat % load matrices U'*X1, S, and V
    % Sparsity-promoting parameter gamma
    % Lower and upper bounds relevant for this flow type
    gammaval = logspace(1,log10(1600),gamma_grd);


    error('Incorrect flow type')


% Matrix Vstar
Vstar = V';

% The number of snapshots
N = size(Vstar,2);

% Optimal DMD matrix resulting from Schmid's 2010 algorithm
% Fdmd = U'*X1*V*inv(S)
Fdmd = (UstarX1*V)/S;
% Determine the rank of Fdmd
r = rank(Fdmd); % set the number of modes
% E-value decomposition of Fdmd
[Ydmd,Ddmd] = eig(Fdmd);
Edmd = diag(Ddmd); % e-values of the discrete-time system

% Form Vandermonde matrix
Vand = zeros(r,N);
zdmd = Edmd;

for i = 1:N,

    Vand(:,i) = zdmd.^(i-1);


% Determine optimal vector of amplitudes xdmd
% Objective: minimize the least-squares deviation between
% the matrix of snapshots X0 and the linear combination of the dmd modes
% Can be formulated as:
% minimize || G - L*diag(xdmd)*R ||_F^2
L = Ydmd;
R = Vand;
G = S*Vstar;

% Form matrix P, vector q, and scalar s
% J = x'*P*x - q'*x - x'*q + s
% x - optimization variable (i.e., the unknown vector of amplitudes)
P = (L'*L).*conj(R*R');
q = conj(diag(R*G'*L));
s = trace(G'*G);

% Cholesky factorization of P
Pl = chol(P,'lower');

% Optimal vector of amplitudes xdmd
xdmd = (Pl')\(Pl\q);

% Sparsity-promoting algorithm starts here

% Set options for dmdsp
options = struct('rho',1,'maxiter',10000,'eps_abs',1.e-6,'eps_rel',1.e-4);

% Call dmdsp
% Inputs:  (1) matrix P
%              vector q
%              scalar s
%              sparsity promoting parameter gamma
%          (2) options
%              options.rho     - augmented Lagrangian parameter rho
%              options.maxiter - maximum number of ADMM iterations
%              options.eps_abs - absolute tolerance
%              options.eps_rel - relative tolerance
% Output:  answer - gamma-parameterized structure containing
%          answer.gamma - sparsity-promoting parameter gamma
%          answer.xsp   - vector of amplitudes resulting from (SP)
%          answer.xpol  - vector of amplitudes resulting from (POL)
%          answer.Jsp   - J resulting from (SP)
%          answer.Jpol  - J resulting from (POL)
%          answer.Nz    - number of nonzero elements of x
%          answer.Ploss - optimal performance loss 100*sqrt(J(xpol)/J(0))
    answer = dmdsp(P,q,s,gammaval,options);