Description of dmdsp.m

Matlab syntax
>> answer = dmdsp(P,q,s,gammaval,options);

Matlab function dmdsp.m takes the problem data { P, q, s, gamma } and the input options and returns the gamma-parameterized family of solutions to both the sparsity-promoting DMD problem (SP) and the constrained quadratic optimization problem (POL). Input options allows users to specify the following parameters

  1. options.rho – augmented Lagrangian parameter rho;

  2. options.maxiter – maximum number of ADMM iterations;

  3. options.eps_abs – absolute tolerance;

  4. options.eps_rel – relative tolerance.

If options argument is omitted, the default values are set to:

  1. options.rho = 1;

  2. options.maxiter = 10000;

  3. options.eps_abs = 1.e-6;

  4. options.eps_rel = 1.e-4;

The gamma-parameterized output answer is a structure that contains

  1. answer.gamma – sparsity-promoting parameter gamma

  2. answer.xsp – vector of amplitudes alpha resulting from the optimization problem (SP);

  3. answer.xpol – optimal (polished) vector of amplitudes alpha resulting from the structured quadratic optimization problem (POL);

  4. answer.Jsp – least-squares residual resulting from the optimization problem (SP);

  5. answer.Jpol – optimal (polished) least-squares residual resulting from the optimization problem (POL);

  6. answer.Ploss – optimal (polished) performance loss  % , Pi_{mathrm{loss}} ; mathrel{mathop:}= ; 100 , sqrt{J (alpha_{mathrm{pol}}) / J (0)}  ;

  7. answer.Nz – number of nonzero elements in the vector of amplitudes alpha_{mathrm{pol}}.


% Sparsity-Promoting Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMDSP)
% Written by Mihailo R. Jovanovic, August 2012
% The alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)
% is used to solve the sparsity-promoting DMD problem:
% minimize  J(x) + gamma * || x ||_1              (SP)
% J(x) = || G - L diag{x} R ||_F^2
% complex-valued data G, L, R; optimization variable x
% J(x) can be equivalently written as
% J(x) = x'*P*x - 2*real(q'*x) + s
% P = (L'*L).*conjugate(R*R')
% q = conjugate(diag(R*G'*L))
% s = trace(G'*G)
% For the identified sparsity pattern, the optimal vector of
% amplitudes is found as the answer to the following
% structured quadratic optimization problem:
%       minimize    J(x)
%                                                  (POL)
%       subject to  E'*x = 0
% where the columns of the matrix E are the unit vectors
% whose non-zero elements correspond to zero components of x
% Syntax:
% answer = dmdsp(P,q,s,gammaval,options)
% Inputs:  (1) matrix P
%              vector q
%              scalar s
%              sparsity promoting parameter gamma
%          (2) options
%              options.rho     - augmented Lagrangian parameter rho
%              options.maxiter - maximum number of ADMM iterations
%              options.eps_abs - absolute tolerance
%              options.eps_rel - relative tolerance
%              If options argument is omitted, the default values are set to
%              options.rho = 1
%              options.maxiter = 10000
%              options.eps_abs = 1.e-6
%              options.eps_rel = 1.e-4
% Output:  answer - gamma-parameterized structure containing
%          answer.gamma - sparsity-promoting parameter gamma
%          answer.xsp   - vector of amplitudes resulting from (SP)
%          answer.xpol  - vector of amplitudes resulting from (POL)
%          answer.Jsp   - J resulting from (SP)
%          answer.Jpol  - J resulting from (POL)
%          answer.Nz    - number of nonzero elements of x
%          answer.Ploss - optimal performance loss 100*sqrt(J(xpol)/J(0))
% Additional information:

function answer = dmdsp(P,q,s,gammaval,options)

% Initialization
if nargin < 4
    error('At least four input arguments are required.')
elseif nargin == 4
    options = struct('rho',1,'maxiter',10000,'eps_abs',1.e-6,'eps_rel',1.e-4);
elseif nargin > 5
    error('Too many input arguments.')

% Data preprocessing
rho = options.rho;
Max_ADMM_Iter = options.maxiter;
eps_abs = options.eps_abs;
eps_rel = options.eps_rel;

% Number of optimization variables
n = length(q);
% Identity matrix
I = eye(n);

% Allocate memory for gamma-dependent output variables
answer.gamma = gammaval;
answer.Nz    = zeros(1,length(gammaval)); % number of non-zero amplitudes
answer.Jsp   = zeros(1,length(gammaval)); % square of Frobenius norm (before polishing)
answer.Jpol  = zeros(1,length(gammaval)); % square of Frobenius norm (after polishing)
answer.Ploss = zeros(1,length(gammaval)); % optimal performance loss (after polishing)
answer.xsp   = zeros(n,length(gammaval)); % vector of amplitudes (before polishing)
answer.xpol  = zeros(n,length(gammaval)); % vector of amplitudes (after polishing)

% Cholesky factorization of matrix P + (rho/2)*I
Prho = (P + (rho/2)*I);
Plow = chol(Prho,'lower');
Plow_star = Plow';

for i = 1:length(gammaval),

    gamma = gammaval(i);

    % Initial conditions
    y = zeros(n,1); % Lagrange multiplier
    z = zeros(n,1); % copy of x

    % Use ADMM to solve the gamma-parameterized problem
    for ADMMstep = 1 : Max_ADMM_Iter,

        % x-minimization step
        u = z - (1/rho)*y;
        % x = (P + (rho/2)*I)\(q + (rho)*u)
        xnew = Plow_star\(Plow\(q + (rho/2)*u));

        % z-minimization step
        a = (gamma/rho)*ones(n,1);
        v = xnew + (1/rho)*y;
        % Soft-thresholding of v
        znew = ( (1 - a ./ abs(v)) .* v ) .* (abs(v) > a);

        % Primal and dual residuals
        res_prim = norm(xnew - znew);
        res_dual = rho * norm(znew - z);

        % Lagrange multiplier update step
        y = y + rho*(xnew - znew);

        % Stopping criteria
        eps_prim = sqrt(n) * eps_abs + eps_rel * max([norm(xnew),norm(znew)]);
        eps_dual = sqrt(n) * eps_abs + eps_rel * norm(y);

        if (res_prim < eps_prim) && (res_dual < eps_dual)
            z = znew;


    % Record output data
    answer.xsp(:,i) = z; % vector of amplitudes
    answer.Nz(i) = nnz(answer.xsp(:,i)); % number of non-zero amplitudes
    answer.Jsp(i) = real(z'*P*z) - 2*real(q'*z) + s; % Frobenius norm (before polishing)

    % Polishing of the nonzero amplitudes
    % Form the constraint matrix E for E^T x = 0
    ind_zero = find( abs(z) < 1.e-12); % find indices of zero elements of z
    m = length(ind_zero); % number of zero elements
    E = I(:,ind_zero);
    E = sparse(E);

    % Form KKT system for the optimality conditions
    KKT = [P, E; E', zeros(m,m)];
    rhs = [q; zeros(m,1)];

    % Solve KKT system
    sol = KKT \ rhs;

    % Vector of polished (optimal) amplitudes
    xpol = sol(1:n);

    % Record output data
    answer.xpol(:,i) = xpol;
    % Polished (optimal) least-squares residual
    answer.Jpol(i) = real(xpol'*P*xpol) - 2*real(q'*xpol) + s;
    % Polished (optimal) performance loss
    answer.Ploss(i) = 100*sqrt(answer.Jpol(i)/s);
