Description of ccama.m

Matlab syntax
>> output = ccama(A,C,E,G,gamma,n,m,options);

Matlab function ccama.m takes the problem data { A, C, E, G, gamma, n, m } and the input options and returns the solution to the covariance completion problem (CC). Here, n and m denote the number of the states and the outputs, respectively. Input options allows users to specify the following parameters:

  1. options.rho – initial step-size rho;

  2. options.eps_prim – tolerance on primal constraints;

  3. options.eps_dual – tolerance on duality gap;

  4. options.maxiter – maximum number of iterations;

  5. options.Xinit – feasible initial value for matrix X;

  6. options.Zinit – feasible initial value for matrix Z;

  7. options.Y1init – dual-feasible initial value for Y1;

  8. options.Y2init – dual-feasible initial value for Y2;

  9. options.method

    1. method = 1, alternating minimization algorithm (default)

    2. method = 2, alternating direction method of multipliers.

If options argument is omitted, the default values are set to:

  1. options.rho = 10;

  2. options.eps_prim = 1.e-5;

  3. options.eps_dual = 1.e-4;

  4. options.maxiter = 10^5;

  5. X_{rm init} = {rm lyap}(A, I_{rm m times m}),
    options.Xinit = X_{rm init};

  6. options.Zinit = I_{rm m times m};

  7. Y_{rm 1,init} = {rm lyap}(A^*, -X_{rm init}),
    options.Y1init = gamma (Y_{rm 1,init}/||Y_{rm 1,init}||_2);

  8. options.Y2init = I_{rm n times n};

  9. options.method = 1.

The output is a structured array that contains:

  1. output.X – optimal state covariance matrix X resulting from the optimization problem (CC);

  2. output.Z – optimal forcing correlation matrix Z resulting from the optimization problem (CC);

  3. output.Y1 – optimal dual variable Y_1 resulting from the optimization problem (CC);

  4. output.Y2 – optimal dual variable Y_2 resulting from the optimization problem (CC);

  5. output.Jp – value of the primal objective function at each step;

  6. output.Jd – value of the dual objective function at each step;

  7. output.Rp – primal residual at each step;

  8. output.dg – duality gap at each step;

  9. output.steps – number of steps required to for solving (CC);

  10. output.time - cumulative solve time per outer iteration (in seconds)

  11. options.flag

    1. flag = 0, iteration counter reaches its maximum

    2. flag = 1, problem (CC) is solved before iteration counter reaches its maximum.


% MATLAB implementation of AMA and ADMM algorithms for solving the
% Covariance Completion problem (CC)
% Written by Armin Zare and Mihailo Jovanovic, April 2016
% minimize -logdetX + gamma*|| Z ||_*
% subject to A*X + X*A' + Z = 0
%            E.*X - G = 0
% A, G, E - problem data
% X, Z    - optimization variables
% Syntax:
% output = ccama(A,C,E,G,gamma,n,m,options)
% Inputs: (1) dynamic matrix A
%             matrix of available output correlations G
%             structural identity matrix E
%             output matrix C
%             low-rank parameter gamma
%             number of masses N
%         (2) options
%             options.rho      - initial step-size
%             options.eps_prim - tolerance on primal residual
%             options.eps_dual - tolerance on duality gap
%             options.maxiter  - maximum number of AMA (ADMM) iterations
%             options.Xinit    - feasible initial value for matrix X
%             options.Zinit    - feasible initial value for matrix Z
%             options.Y1init   - dual-feasible initial value for Y1
%             options.Y2init   - dual-feasible initial value for Y2
%             options.method   - method = 1, AMA (default)
%                              - method = 2, ADMM
% Outputs: output - structured array containing
%          output.X     - matrix X resulting from (CC)
%          output.Z     - matrix Z resulting from (CC)
%          output.Y1    - matrix Y1 resulting from (CC)
%          output.Y2    - matrix Y2 resulting from (CC)
%          output.Jp    - primal objective function at each step
%          output.Jd    - dual objective function at each step
%          output.Rp    - primal residual at each step
%          output.dg    - duality gap at each step
%          output.steps - number of steps for solving (CC)
%          output.time  - cumulative solve time (in seconds) per outer iteration
%          output.flag  - flag = 0, iteration counter reaches its max
%                         flag = 1, problem is solved before maxiter steps
% Additional information:
function output = ccama(A,C,E,G,gamma,n,m,options)

% Initialization
if nargin < 7
    error('At least six input arguments are required.')
elseif nargin == 7
    options.rho = 10;
    options.eps_prim = 1.e-5;
    options.eps_dual = 1.e-4;
    options.maxiter = 1.e5;
    Xinit = lyap(A,eye(m));
    options.Xinit = Xinit;
    options.Zinit = eye(m);
    Y1init = lyap(A',-Xinit);
    options.Y1init = gamma*Y1init/norm(Y1init,2);
    options.Y2init = eye(n);
    options.method = 1;
elseif nargin > 8
    error('Too many input arguments.')

% Data preprocessing
rho0 = options.rho;
eps_prim = options.eps_prim;
eps_dual = options.eps_dual;
MaxIter = options.maxiter;
X = options.Xinit;
Z = options.Zinit;
Y1 = options.Y1init;
Y2 = options.Y2init;

if options.method == 1      % AMA implementation

    eigLadY = real(eig( A'*Y1 + Y1*A + C'*(E.*Y2)*C ));
    logdetLadY = sum(log(eigLadY));
    dualY = logdetLadY - trace(G*Y2) + m;

    % identity matrix
    Ibig = eye(m);
    % backtracking parameters
    beta  = 0.5;
    % initial step size
    rho1 = rho0;
    bbfailures = [];

    fprintf('%s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n',...
        'rho_BB', '   rho', '       eps_prim','    res_prim', '    eps_dual',...
        '    abs(eta)','    iter');

    % start timer

    % Use AMA to solve the gamma-parameterized problem
    for AMAstep = 1 : MaxIter,

        % X-minimization step
        Xnew = (A'*Y1 + Y1*A + C'*(E.*Y2)*C)\Ibig;
        Xnew = (Xnew + Xnew')/2;

        eigX = real(eig(Xnew));
        logdetX = sum(log(eigX));

        % gradient of the dual function
        gradD1 = A*Xnew + Xnew*A';
        gradD2 = E.*(C*Xnew*C') - G;

        Rnew2 = gradD2;

        rho = rho1;

        for j = 1:50,

            a = gamma/rho;

            % Z-minimization step
            Wnew = -(A*Xnew + Xnew*A' + (1/rho)*Y1);

            [U,S,V] = svd(Wnew);
            Svec = diag(S);

            % singular value thresholding
            Svecnew = ( (1 - a ./ abs(Svec)) .* Svec ) .* (abs(Svec) > a);
            % update Z
            Znew = U*diag(Svecnew)*V';
            Znew = (Znew + Znew')/2;

            % Y- update
            Rnew1 = gradD1 + Znew;

            % Lagrange multiplier update step
            Y1new = Y1 + rho*Rnew1;
            Y2new = Y2 + rho*Rnew2;
            Y1new = (Y1new + Y1new')/2;
            Y2new = (Y2new + Y2new')/2;

            % e-values of Xinv
            eigLadYnew = real(eig( A'*Y1new + Y1new*A + C'*(E.*Y2new)*C ));

            logdetLadYnew = sum(log(eigLadYnew));
            dualYnew = logdetLadYnew - trace(G*Y2new) + m;

            if min(eigLadYnew) < 0
                rho = rho*beta;
            elseif (dualYnew < dualY + ...
                        trace(gradD1*(Y1new - Y1)) + ...
                        trace(gradD2*(Y2new - Y2)) - ...
                        (0.5/rho)*norm(Y1new - Y1,'fro')^2 - ...
                        (0.5/rho)*norm(Y2new - Y2,'fro')^2)

                    rho = rho*beta;

        % primal residual
        Rnew1 = A*Xnew + Xnew*A' + Znew;
        Rnew2 = E.*(C*Xnew*C') - G;
        res_prim = sqrt(norm(Rnew1,'fro')^2 + norm(Rnew2,'fro')^2);

        % calculating the duality gap
        eta = -logdetX + gamma*sum(Svecnew) - dualYnew;

        if mod(AMAstep,100) == 0
            disp([num2str(rho1,'%6.1E'),'   ', ...
            num2str(rho,'%6.1E'),'    ', ...
            num2str(eps_prim,'%6.1E'),'      ' ...
            num2str(res_prim,'%6.1E'),'      ' ...
            num2str(eps_dual,'%6.1E'),'      ' ...
            num2str(abs(eta),'%6.1E'),'      ', ...

        % BB stepsize selection starts here ...
        Xnew1 = (A'*Y1new + Y1new*A + C'*(E.*Y2new)*C)\Ibig;
        Xnew1 = (Xnew1 + Xnew1')/2;
        % gradient of dual function
        gradD1new = A*Xnew1 + Xnew1*A';
        gradD2new = E.*(C*Xnew1*C') - G;
        rho1 = real(( norm(Y1new - Y1,'fro')^2 + norm(Y2new - Y2,'fro')^2)/ ...
                (trace((Y1new - Y1)*(gradD1-gradD1new)) + trace((Y2new - Y2)*(gradD2-gradD2new))));
        if rho1 < 0 || isnan(rho1)
            rho1 = rho0;
            bbfailures(end+1) = AMAstep;
        % ... and ends here

        % record path of relevant primal and dual quantities
        output.Jp(AMAstep) = -log(det(Xnew)) + gamma*norm_nuc(Znew);
        output.Jd(AMAstep) = real(dualYnew);
        output.Rp(AMAstep) = res_prim;
        output.dg(AMAstep) = abs(eta);
        output.time(AMAstep) = toc;

        % various stopping criteria
        if (abs(eta) < eps_dual && res_prim < eps_prim)
            disp('AMA converged to assigned accuracy!!!')
            disp(strcat('AMA steps: ',num2str(AMAstep)))
            disp([num2str(rho1,'%6.1E'),'   ', ...
            num2str(rho,'%6.1E'),'    ', ...
            num2str(eps_prim,'%6.1E'),'      ' ...
            num2str(res_prim,'%6.1E'),'      ' ...
            num2str(eps_dual,'%6.1E'),'      ' ...
            num2str(abs(eta),'%6.1E'),'      ', ...

        Y1 = Y1new;
        Y2 = Y2new;
        dualY = dualYnew;


    if AMAstep == MaxIter
        output.flag = 0;
        output.flag = 1;
    output.X = Xnew;
    output.Z = Znew;
    output.Y1 = Y1new;
    output.Y2 = Y2new;
    output.steps = AMAstep;

elseif options.method == 2      % ADMM implementation

    % power iteration algorithm - choose initial condition
    V = rand(m,m);
    V = (V + V')/2;
    eigVmin = min(real(eig(V)));
    if eigVmin < 0,
        V = 2*abs(eigVmin)*eye(m) + V;
    V = V/norm(V,'fro');
    % number of iterations
    maxit = 100;
    % size of eigMax
    eigMax = zeros(maxit,1);
    % power iteration starts here ...
    for ind = 1:maxit,
        Y1p = A*V + V*A';
        Y2p = E.*(C*V*C');
        Vnew = A'*Y1p + Y1p*A + C'*Y2p*C;
        eigMax(ind) = trace(V*Vnew);
        V = Vnew/norm(Vnew,'fro');
    clear Y1p Y2p V
    % ... and ends here

    % parameter mu
    rho = rho0;
    mu = 2*rho*eigMax(end);
    a = gamma/rho;

    fprintf('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n',...
        'rho','       eps_prim','       res_prim', '       eps_dual',...
        '       abs(eta)','    iter');

    % start timer

    % Use ADMM to solve the gamma-parameterized problem
    for ADMMstep = 1 : MaxIter,

        % X-minimization step
        U1 = -(Z + (1/rho)*Y1);
        U2 = G - (1/rho)*Y2;

        for indX = 1:20

            AadAX = A'*(A*X + X*A') + (A*X + X*A')*A + C'*(E.*(C*X*C'))*C;
            RHS = mu*X - rho*AadAX + rho*(A'*U1 + U1*A + C'*(E.*U2)*C);

            % X - obtained from e-value decomposition of RHS
            [Vrhs,Drhs] = eig(RHS);
            Lvec = diag(Drhs);
            xvec = Lvec/(2*mu) + sqrt( (Lvec/(2*mu)).^2 + 1/mu );

            Xnew = Vrhs*diag(xvec)/Vrhs;
            Xnew = (Xnew + Xnew')/2;
            X = Xnew;


        % Z-minimization step
        Wnew = -(A*Xnew + Xnew*A' + (1/rho)*Y1);
        % svd of Wnew
        [U,S,V] = svd(Wnew,0);
        Svec = diag(S);

        % singular value thresholding
        Svecnew = ( (1 - a ./ abs(Svec)) .* Svec ) .* (abs(Svec) > a);
        % update Z
        Znew = U*diag(Svecnew)*V';
        Znew = (Znew + Znew')/2;

        % Primal and dual residuals
        Rnew1 = A*Xnew + Xnew*A' + Znew;
        Rnew2 = E.*(C*Xnew*C') - G;
        res_prim = sqrt(norm(Rnew1,'fro')^2 + norm(Rnew2,'fro')^2);
        res_dual = rho*norm(A'*(Znew-Z)+(Znew-Z)*A,'fro');

        % Lagrange multiplier update step
        Y1new = Y1 + rho*Rnew1;
        Y2new = Y2 + rho*Rnew2;

        % calculating the duality gap
        eigLadYnew = real(eig( A'*Y1new + Y1new*A + C'*(E.*Y2new)*C ));
        logdetLadYnew = sum(log(eigLadYnew));
        dualYnew = logdetLadYnew - trace(G*Y2new) + m;
        eigX = real(eig(Xnew));
        logdetX = sum(log(eigX));
        eta = -logdetX + gamma*sum(Svecnew) - dualYnew;

        if mod(ADMMstep,100) == 0
            disp([num2str(rho,'%6.1E'),'    ', ...
            num2str(eps_prim,'%6.4E'),'      ' ...
            num2str(res_prim,'%6.4E'),'      ' ...
            num2str(eps_dual,'%6.4E'),'      ' ...
            num2str(abs(eta),'%6.1E'),'      ', ...

        % record path of relevant primal and dual quantities
        output.Jp(ADMMstep) = -log(det(Xnew)) + gamma*norm_nuc(Znew);
        output.Jd(ADMMstep) = real(dualYnew);
        output.Rp(ADMMstep) = res_prim;
        output.dg(ADMMstep) = abs(eta);
        output.time(ADMMstep) = toc;

        % Stopping criteria
        if (abs(eta) < eps_dual && res_prim < eps_prim)
            disp('ADMM converged to assigned accuracy!!!')
            disp(strcat('ADMM steps: ',num2str(ADMMstep)))
            disp([num2str(rho,'%6.1E'),'    ', ...
            num2str(eps_prim,'%6.4E'),'      ' ...
            num2str(res_prim,'%6.4E'),'      ' ...
            num2str(eps_dual,'%6.4E'),'      ' ...
            num2str(abs(eta),'%6.1E'),'      ', ...

        X = Xnew;
        Z = Znew;
        Y1 = Y1new;
        Y2 = Y2new;

        % adjust rho to balance the primal and dual residuals
        a1 = 10;
        t1 = 2;
        if res_prim > a1*res_dual
            rho = rho * t1;
            a = gamma/rho;
        elseif res_dual > a1*res_prim
            rho = rho / t1;
            a = gamma/rho;


    if ADMMstep == MaxIter
        output.flag = 0;
        output.flag = 1;
    output.X = Xnew;
    output.Z = Znew;
    output.Y1 = Y1new;
    output.Y2 = Y2new;
    output.steps = ADMMstep;
