News Items
Professor Kim Receives IBM Faculty Partnership Award (2006-07-06)
Professor Chris Kim has received an IBM Faculty Partnership Award to support his work on "Analysis, Measurement, and Design Techniques for NBTI Tolerance." NBTI is one of the major aging mechanisms of nanoscale transistors that can eventually lead to chip failure. The IBM Faculty Awards program is a competitive worldwide program that enhances collaboration between faculty at leading universities and IBM researchers. Professor Kim was nominated for this award by Kent Ching-Te Chuang in the VLSI Design Department at IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center.
"Tech Tune-Up" Nano- VLSI Course to be Held June 26-28 (2006-05-01)
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is hosting the "Tech Tune-Up: Nano- VLSI Design" course at the University of Minnesota on 2006 June 26-28. This year's Tech Tune-Up will focus on the applications and problem areas associated with the very near-future nano-VLSI generation. Topics that will be covered during the three day course include:
- Advanced digital CMOS circuit design
- Advanced CAD for analog, RF , and mixed-signal systems
- Digital design, verification, and applications
- Architectural design issues for reliable computing
- Current FPGA architectures and CAD
- Tolerating process variations through design and CAD in sub-100 nm circuits
- Nanoscale CMOS (<100 nm ) analog interface design
- Process issues for nanoscale CMOS
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MIST Web Page Up and Running (2006-05-01)
The main web page and its associated links have been setup. Please report any problems to
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