- The Ultrasound Imaging and Signal Processing Laboratory (UISPL) encompasses approx. 1200 sq. feet of office and lab space in Keller Hall on the UMN Twin Cities Campus. UISPL is equipped with state-of-the-art computing, data acquisition and control systems. Almost all instruments in the laboratory are controlled through PCIE bus, serial or GPIB protocol.
- A full range of imaging and therapy transducers are available in the UISPL including commercial and custom built units. Application-specific transducer construction is supported by professional design tools such as ProEngineer, PiezoCAD, ViaCAD and Cadence software. C++, COMSOL and MATLAB-based simulation tools are used for geometric optimization and theoretical validation.
- The lab consists of several stations for theoretical simulations, electronic prototyping, hardware validation, quality assurance imaging, tissue characterization, acoustical characterization, and ex vivo and in vivo experimentation.