Author guidelines for final manuscript preparation |
The Author is required to submit the final manuscript in a format compatible with the standards of the IEEE Journals department. Any deviation from the following rules is liable to cause delays in publication. These rules may change with time, and the Author should check this site before submitting the final manuscript.
Xplore links to reference papers
Notice that you can take advantage of the fact that your paper will also be available electronically on IEEExplore for enriching your reference list to cited papers.
Editor's office requirements
The final manuscript must be submitted electronically at the TCAD ManuscriptCentral site. The manuscript is to be printed on 8.5"x11" paper (US standard format) or A4 paper and must be formatted using the IEEE style files.
Please include the following items as part of your final manuscript submission:
Please refer to the following sections for additional details.
The IEEE electronically processes all Transactions, Journals and Letters. Electronic publication
of papers helps speed the production process, insures greater accuracy, and builds an electronic
abstract and index base.
While the list of processing programs acceptable to IEEE electronic production is almost endless,
there are preferred programs which, when used, enable the preservation of the greatest amounts of
information and are most easily e-mailed due to their ASCII structure. TeX and LaTeX top the list
of preferences, and Microsoft Word is also acceptable. IEEE LaTeX style files
and other information are available from the IEEE list server. E-mailing a request to
will produce instructions on how to obtain these items. When sending TeX, or LaTeX, Word, etc., always
remember to also send any macros (e.g., \defs) used to create your manuscript. Manuscripts developed
using the Word Perfect, Mac or Word programs are acceptable, but the mathematics will be rekeyed into a
TeX format at IEEE. If none of these programs are available, send all text aspects of the manuscript
in ASCII format.
In addition:
Do not:
Guidelines for Illustrations/artwork
All original artwork for figures referred to in your manuscript is to be computer-generated (laser printer quality) or drawn in India ink on standard size paper (8.5"x11" or A4, whenever possible) for easier handling. Also:
Overlength Charges
As mentioned in the "Information for Authors" found near the back cover of each journal issue, your manuscript will be subject to overlength page charges if the published version exceeds nine pages. Detailed information on these charges will accompany the galley proofs sent to you prior to publication.
Galley Proofs
Galley proofs of your manuscript will arrive via email (unless specified otherwise) at the address of the corresponding Author specified at the time the manuscript was submitted. If galley proofs are to be sent to someone other than the corresponding Author, that must be stated in the transmittal form. Please address all questions regarding the publication of your paper to the IEEE Publications Department at IEEE Publishing Services:
Mr. Keith Edick
Phone: (732) 562 6882
Fax: (732) 562-0545
Mailing address: Keith Edick, Staff Editor
IEEE Transactions, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway
NJ 08855, USA
Authors must return galley proofs to the New Jersey office within 72 hours via express mail. Therefore, if you anticipate any lengthy absence within the next six months, it is your responsibility (as corresponding Author) to make alternative arrangements (i.e., offering a co-author's name as a contact for timely return of the galley proofs).
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