EE8950: Vector Space Optimization
5-161, EECS Bldg., 200 Union St. SE
Email: murtis@umn.edu
Ph: 1-612-625-7811
URL: http://www.ece.umn.edu/users/murtis/
Course Outline
This a course on Vector Space Optimization where the underlying space will
retain the geometric structure of Euclidean spaces but will be general enough to
be applicable to infinite dimensional spaces. Its expected that students
have a reasonable background in matrices and familiarity with rudimentary
analysis. Course notes will be provided. The material will borrow from the
Optimization by Vector Space Methods by Luenberger with the material developed
in a Hilbert Space setting.
- Linear Algebra review (mostly a set of video lectures and homeworks)
- Linear Programming
- Linear Spaces(Vector Spaces), norms, completeness
- Hilbert Spaces (projection theorem, complete orthonormal sequences,
Minimum norm problems)
- Estimation
- Convex optimization (distance to a convex set, Separating hyperplanes,
sensitivity analysis, KKT)
- Optimization of functionals (Gateaux and Frechet derivatives, Euler-lagrange
equations, problems with constraints,calculus of variatioins)
- Pontryagins Maximum principle
- Dynamic Programming
- Optimization by vector space methods, Luenberger (recommended).
The following references will be helpful
- Matrix theory, James M. Ortega, Plenum press. (recommended)
- Matrix Analysis, Horn and Johnson (recommended).
- Linear and Nonlinear Programming by D. G. Luenberger (recommended)
- Principles of Mathematical Analysis, W. Rudin (recommended).
- Convex Optimization, Boyd and Vandenberghe (recommended)
- Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control by D. P. Bertsekas (recommended)
Course Notes:
linearAlgebraNotes.pdf (not covered in class)
Linear Programming
Hilbert Space Optimization
4-5:15pm T,Th,
Keller 5-120
Office Hours
T: 3-4pm and by appointment
Tentative Grading Policy
The course will rely heavily on an extensive set of homeworks.
50% Homeworks, 25% Midterms, 25% Finals.
Homeworks :
- Linear Algebra Homework