EE2361 -- Intro to Microcontrollers, Spring 2017 Selected Final Project Demos

A big thanks to Prof. David Orser of UMN for developing the labs that lead up to these final projects. Also, I should thank my wonderful TAs, Gokul, Jieun, Vijay and Zhiheng, who spent hours and hours helping students!

Defense system: Find location of target using a grid of lasers, move the cannon and shoot! different angle.

Identify music notes played by an instrument and convert them to midi.

The Snake game, plus Conway's Game of Life.

Home control system ("listens" to your TV and other devices remote signals once, learns the patterns and then replays them using a cell phone app that talks to the circuit. Basically makes your cell phone a universal remote! Turns lights and outlets on and off as a bonus!

Music keypad and How they built the keypad.

Bluetooth pager system