Name | Number | Description | Color (R,G,B #Hex) | Notes
active | 1 | Active Area
| 0,204,102 #00CC66
| (2) (3)
nwell | 2 | n-type well implant
| 0,204,102 #00CC66
| (1) (2)
pwell | 3 | p-type well implant
| 255,128,0 #FF8000
| (1) (2)
nimplant | - | n-type source/drain doping
| 0,204,102 #00CC66
| (2) (3)
pimplant | - | p-type source/drain doping
| 255,128,0 #FF8000
| (2) (3)
sblock | - | Salicide block
| 0,0,255 #0000FF
| (1) (2)
vthl | - | Low threshold implant
| (3)
vthg | - | General use threshold implant
| (3)
vthh | - | High threshold implant
| (3)
thkox | - | Thick oxide
| (3)
poly | - | Poly-silicon
| 255,0,0 #FF0000
| (1) (2)
contact | - | Metal 1 contact to poly or active
| 128,38,38 #802626
| (2) (3)
metal1 | - | Metal 1
| 0,0,255 #0000FF
| (1) (2)
via1 | - | Metal 2 contact to Metal 1 | - | (1)
metal2 | - | Metal 2 (intermediate wires)
| 255,,0,255 #FF00FF
| (1) (2)
via2 | - | Metal 3 contact to Metal 2 | - | (1)
metal3 | - | Metal 3 (intermediate wiring)
| 0,255,255 #00FFFF
| (1) (2)
via3 | - | Metal 4 contact to Metal 3 | - | (1)
metal4 | - | Metal 4 (semi-global wiring)
| 255,255,204 #FFFFCC
| (1) (2)
via4 | - | Metal 5 contact to Metal 4 | - | (1)
metal5 | - | Metal 5 (semi-global wiring)
| 57,191,255 #39BFFF
| (1) (2)
via5 | - | Metal 6 contact to Metal 5 | - | (1)
metal6 | - | Metal 6 (semi-global wiring)
| 217,204,0 #D9CC00
| (1) (2)
via6 | - | Metal 7 contact to Metal 6 | - | -
metal7 | - | Metal 7 (thin-global wiring) | - | -
via7 | - | Metal 8 contact to Metal 7 | - | -
metal8 | - | Metal 8 (thin-global wiring) | - | -
via8 | - | Metal 9 contact to Metal 8 | - | -
metal9 | - | Metal 9 (global wiring) | - | -
via9 | - | Metal 10 contact to Metal 9 | - | -
metal10 | - | Metal 10 (global wiring) | - | -